Acts and Resolutions Relating to the Charter
Act of January 22, 1873 —Authorized construction of a bridge across the Yazoo River at Yazoo City.
Act of March 18, 1886 —Amends Act of January 22, 1873 to authorize collection of tolls and transfer control of the bridge to the county.
Act of February 17, 1890 —Appropriates moneys for erection of a public school building, and authorizes bond issue for the same purpose.
Resolution of August 8, 1892 —Election to retain charter.
Resolved, By the board of mayor and aldermen of Yazoo City, Mississippi, in council convened, in regular meeting, on Monday, the 8th day of August, 1892:
That the corporation of Yazoo City do not elect to come under the provisions of the chapter of the annotated code of 1892, styled "Municipalities," but that it do continue to be governed by its existing charter and all amendments thereto.
That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the council, and a certified copy thereof attested by the mayor, under seal of Yazoo City, and the clerk of the board, be sent to the secretary of state at Jackson, Mississippi.
Act of March 6, 1900 —Authorizes deed of gift from the city and from the trustees of the public schools, of a certain lot of ground to the library association.